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Police report lodged over bullying incident involving Bukit View Secondary School students

SINGAPORE: The police are investigating a bullying incident after a video surfaced showing a pupil from Bukit View Secondary School being taunted and kicked to the ground.
In a TikTok video posted on Sunday (Sep 15), at least five teenagers wearing the school’s uniform were seen surrounding a fellow student – a smaller boy – at what appears to be a void deck of a housing block.
The boy was sent sprawling to the floor after being kicked in the back by a student. He cried out in pain as the other students mocked him.
The video went viral before it was taken offline.
In response to CNA’s queries, the principal of Bukit View Secondary School Jaswant Singh said that the incident occurred outside school premises in October 2023 and was not reported to the school at the time.
“Following the circulation of the video, the school immediately checked in on the well-being of the student, who did not report any injuries at that time,” Mr Singh said on Monday.
“The school takes a serious view of such misbehaviour and will counsel the students involved as well as mete out disciplinary actions where appropriate.”
The principal added that a police report had been lodged by the victim’s parents.
The police said investigations are ongoing.
In response to a parliamentary question asked by then-Workers’ Party MP Leon Perera on the anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying policies in place at primary and secondary schools, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said in 2021 that it takes a serious view on any form of bullying, including cyber and gender-based bullying.
“All schools send a clear message to students that bullying is not acceptable and has no place in our schools,” it added.
“Schools monitor the school environment and discipline closely, and take educative, preventive and intervention measures to address bullying incidents.”
When alleged bullying is reported, trained school personnel investigate and provide counselling support for students involved and decide on appropriate disciplinary action, said the education ministry.
